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horsehair jewelry

Horsehair jewels, in addition to their beauty and thanks to their natural properties, have great strength and durability, which combined with fine craftsmanship and the utmost attention to detail make them unique pieces.

Using different braiding techniques with all the care and dedication in the treatment of the mane and with the utmost respect for the horses from which we obtain the raw material.

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The horsehair.

The long, thick hair that grows on the neck and tail of horses is called mane.

Horsehair is a hardened protein fiber (keratin) made up of imperceptible scales with a very slow ability to absorb moisture, which means that it can be washed regularly without losing its quality and dries almost instantly. It is also an elastic fiber that easily conforms to a shape and stays in place without warping.

The use of horsehair comes from very old, as a material for textile use, for fishing lines, for stringed instruments, brushes and for crafts and jewelry.

Horsehair is a product in which there is no sacrifice or suffering of animals to obtain it and it is renewed by growing continuously.

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Mane processing.

the mane  It is obtained with traditional techniques and is processed by hand in a completely traditional way.

Once obtained  it is washed, degreased and disinfected in order to eliminate residues, fats and bacteria. Finally, it is rinsed with cold water and the mane is left to dry in the sun, thus obtaining clean, odorless and totally disinfected fibers.

Once the horsehairs are completely dry, they are meticulously combed, taking care not to get tangled. Then the longer fibers are separated from the smaller ones, they are tied into small strands of equal measurements and the cords are formed, with different braiding techniques depending on the type of jewel we want to make.

The entire process is manual and without negative environmental impacts.

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Maintenance and cleaning.

With reasonable care, your horsehair jewelry will be with you for years to come.

Horse hair is strong and resistant, but it is natural and organic and must be protected against excessive wear.

Think of horsehair like your own hair, so anything that isn't good for your hair won't be good for your horsehair jewelry, like chemicals, intense heat, or abrasions.

For cleaning we recommend using a damp cloth and for a deeper cleaning, you can use a mild soap.

Never dry your horsehair jewelry with heat or with a hair dryer. let it air dry.

If any individual hair breaks, gently clip them with a nail clipper.

If for any reason your horsehair jewelry is damaged, you can contact us to request a quote to repair it. Although we will do our best, sometimes it can't be.

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Colores de la crin

La crin puede ser de distintos colores según la capa, color del pelo, del caballo.

La genética de capas en el caballo tiene unas leyes propias que dan los diferentes colores de su crin.

Los colores de la crin varían desde los colores básicos: negro, blanco, marrón y marrón oscuro, hasta los grises y los jaspeados.

Estos últimos, son diluciones de varios colores en la crin, con colores varios o vetas de diferente color.

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